Address: : 1520 Longleaf Pine Parkway, Suite 110, Saint Johns, FL 32259

Improve age spots and black heads
Improve hyperpigmentation
Exfoliate your skin
Lessen the appearance of stretch marks
Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
Reduce or eliminate enlarged pores
Treat acne and the scars left by acne
Microdermabrasion helps to thicken you collagen, which results in a younger looking complexion. Collagen is a protein in your skin that's abundant when you're a child and makes skin appear taut and smooth. Collagen production declines as we age, resulting in looser, uneven skin.
Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation that consists of using a 10 gauge scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dulling dead skin cells in order to reveal a smoother, brighter completion. Sounds scary, right? It really isn't, as long as you're in the right hands!
A favorite in the entertainment industry, specifically among models and actresses. Why? It also eliminates that annoying peach fuzz that cakes up in makeup and can be enhanced by harsh production lighting and high definition cameras.
Dermaplaning allows for greater penetration of skincare products and creates a flawless canvas for makeup to glide on smoothly.

They are both forms of physical exfoliation, but the methods are very different. Microdermabrasion sands and suctions dead skin cells, which also helps uproot clogged pores around the nose, mouth, and chin. Dermaplaning safely scrapes off the top layer of skin, so it is well suited for drier skin types and anyone who wants to get rid of peach fuzz.